Ask Congress to Save Wildlife Programs

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Ask your Congressman/woman to oppose drastic cuts to fish and wildlife programs in the Department of Interior Budget – House Resolution 2584.

Take Action!

The House of Representatives is poised to consider the Interior Appropriations bill this week beginning today July 25, 2011.   Under the current proposal, H.R. 2584 would drastically cut programs that are basic to protecting and managing North Carolina’s fish and wildlife heritage.
The proposal seeks to gut some of our nation’s most important wildlife conservation laws and programs, including:

  • The Land and Water Conservation Fund – slashed by 80% to the lowest level in its 45-year history with only $11 million for the National Wildlife Refuge System;
  • The Endangered Species Act – the FWS would be prevented from listing any new species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the American people would be prohibited to challenge delisting decisions in court;
  • The North American Wetlands Conservation Act – which funds wetland restoration on refuges, would be reduced to only $20 million, a $17 million cut;
  • The State Wildlife Grants Program – which helps states keep species from becoming endangered would be reduced to just $22 million, a $40 million cut;
  • Refuge System Law Enforcement – slashed by $6 million (17%), resulting in the loss of 40 officers, leaving only 173 to patrol 150 million acres when they need 845;
  • The Neo-Tropical Migratory Bird Conservation Fund would be eliminated entirely;
  • The FWS’ Construction budget – which includes both Refuges and Fisheries and funds large scale restoration projects – would be reduced to just under $12 million;
  • The National Wildlife Refuge Volunteer program – that coordinates the activities of local volunteers, nonprofit organizations; state or local agencies- would be reduced to $1.7 million, a 15% cut.

Take action NOW by sending the message included with the alert to your Congressman/woman.

Let them know that while we understand and agree conservation programs should shoulder a fair portion of the burden of the budget reductions needed to reduce our national debt, deep and disproportionate cuts ranging from half to near elimination are not proportional.  North Carolina’s natural heritage and our economy simply cannot afford these drastic cuts! 

NC Camo Coalition is a project of the NC Wildlife Federation.