Club Business Cards

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Our Five County Bassmasters business cards have arrived.


In case you have missed a few meetings, we decided to create a business card to promote the club and to hopefully attract new members. There’s nothing real fancy about the design – It simply displays the needed information to a potential new member. We will distribute these cards among the current members at our next few meetings, as you attend. We will start by giving ten cards to each member. Once you see that you are getting low on cards, simply pick up a few more at the next available club meeting. Please use these cards as a means to help grow our club membership by sharing these cards with prospective club members.

Keep your cards handy, as you never know when and where you may run into a potential new club member. We need to look at our club as a business and in order for that business to grow we all must be part of the promotional and sales efforts. By no means are we expecting anyone to go door to door asking for new members, yet when the opportunity presents itself for you to briefly explain what our club has to offer you will now have an additional tool to provide our club name, location, and web address to an interested individual. With this information in hand the individual can visit the web address for more details and contact information.

Don’t forget to write your name on the back of the card!!! Remember, we currently have a promotional program within the club for those of you that get a new member to join. Having your name written on the back of the business card will help to give you credit for gaining the new member.

Thank you to all of our dedicated club members for your support in growing our club and making it one of the most respected clubs around.