NC Camo Alert

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Stop the Slaughter of our Striped Bass Resource

Take Action!


The commercial harvest of striped bass in the Atlantic Ocean off North Carolina beaches is underway.  The Total Allowable Catch is 480,000 pounds, but many more fish are being killed as by catch.  The commercial fishing trawlers are limited to 50 fish per day but their gear catches and kills many times the number allowed in possession.   So, the commercial fishermen cull the largest fish for their catch and discard the remaining fish.
Look at this video story taken this month showing the huge loss of striped bass to this wasteful harvest process.  This practice is the epitome of poor management of this valuable resource.  We must do better.  Click here for video.
Take action and send a message to Rob Bizzell, Chairman of the Marine Fisheries Commission, and Louis Daniel, Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries.  Tell these officials that the waste is unacceptable and demand that this practice be stopped immediately and changes made to commercial fishing practices so that the waste does not occur again.  It is unacceptable to waste so many fish of such great value for such a paltry return for so few.
NC Camo Coalition is a project of the NC Wildlife Federation.